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Sun And Rain.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The house is filling up. Vytas and Kate B arrived late last night, plus 2 guinea pigs.

It's been another mixed weather day, hot sun one moment,
and pouring rain the next. Everybody is out and about doing their own thing once more. Romas & Vicky have driven down to Seaton to their uni friend's home for a party and won't return until tomorrow, Peter has gone for a swim and gym session, Sam, Vytas & Kate B are down at the beach for more fun in the surf and Kate E & Alex are in the kitchen writing and drawing on their lap tops (& tablet).

I've been mainly ........ cooking and clearing up. The breadmaker is proving invaluable. Last night my hungry boys devoured all the bread I had thought would do for breakfast so I needed to make another loaf. I worried that if I left the fresh bread in the breadmaker overnight it would go all soggy so I took the breadmaker up to our bedroom so that I could leap out of bed at 2.00 and take out the fresh loaf of bread. I won't get caught out like that again.

Blogging interlude over, I'll now head back to the kitchen to make a ratatouille to go with tonight's supper. I'm not baking a second chocolate chunk cake today so it will have to be melon and an apple pie from the freezer for dessert.


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