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Poor Postie.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The weather has been fantastic today and we finally found time to go out for a walk to Morte Point. The summer has been so hectic and the weather so rotten that this is the first time we've gone for a walk since returning from our holiday on Lundy 8 weeks ago! Yesterday we were watching 'Countryfile' on tv and they had an item about rambling on the North Devon coast which featured Morte Point. So often I've seen film of beautiful coastline and thought how wonderful it would be to visit those areas and here was our very own walking spot.
There were 5 seals down in the water at their usual place. (Zoom in to see one between the outermost 2 rock outcrops.) A little less exciting after my Lundy seal encounter.

There were a number of these large parasol mushrooms about. It wasn't until I checked them out in my wildlife book at home that I discovered they are 'edible and tasty'. If we don't wait another 8 weeks before going for another walk perhaps we can bring 1 or 2 home to add to our supper. We were both pleased to note that our fitness has improved and we were able to chat comfortably all the way up the big slopes that used to have us gently puffing as we neared the summits.

When we did get home we found our postman in our yard. Nothing unusual in that until we spotted the large puddle of oil. A rock had bounced up while he was driving along a farmers' track and when he got to our place he realised that it had smashed the oil sump. It was his further bad luck that there was nobody at our place and very unusually everybody was out at the stables next door. He was just about to start walking the 6 miles back to town when we turned up. After a cup of tea and a few phone calls (mobile phone coverage is not very good in our valley) he took a lift back into town with Peter and later a guy came with a flat bed lorry and took the van away.

Thank you for the kind comments about my struggle with the old diet this week. They have made me feel more positive. Romas took this photo of me last week which I think is a bit more flattering than last week's group shot. I am determined to lose those few pounds and stay near to my 'weight aged 16'.


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