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Duck? Jackdaw?

Monday, August 30, 2010

What a difference the sun makes! Today was cold but bright and sunny and my whole attitude changed. I was able to motivate myself, get things done and even stick to the diet. It was a good day for the car boot sale where I managed to buy one item that I had unsuccessfully looked for in the shops last year for a Christmas present for a member of the family. I also got a couple of Indian paintings on silk which I can use when we have our 'India' based arts weeks. Later I was out in the garden getting on with school planning when I heard a dreadful commotion coming from the trees nearby. It sounded like a cross between a duck and a jackdaw.
But it wasn't a bird at all, it was a very cross squirrel. Its tail was vibrating with every angry chatter. It may have been defending the crop of nuts in the hazel trees or simply attempting to scare away an intruder. I know there is a drey up in those trees as well.

And the possible cause of all that anger might have been Elwen who was walking about below the trees.

Oh dear, oh dear! I am so embarrassed by this. Another week where I have hardly managed to stick to my diet. And all because I wallowed in self pity over the lack of birthday celebrations and hit the chocolate stash. It is always the same and what an utterly trivial thing to be stressing about. But this is the purpose of my weekly 'weigh in', now I know I have to get to grip with my lack of self control and get back into my routine. Might even have to print off another page and carry on for a few more weeks.


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