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A Good Drying Day.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

It has been cold today but sunny and windy enough to hang several machine loads of sheets out on the line. Vicky and Romas left after lunch so now it is just the two of us rattling around in this big farmhouse. It was nice having them here this week because then it was not such a major transition at the end of the grand visit. Going from 11 in the house to just 2 takes a bit of adjusting to. We had some enjoyable evenings playing board games and watching films together. Just heard that Avatar will be shown again on general release with some extra footage so we will definitely be heading off to the cinema when it comes to out town. Being an old converted cinema the screen 1 is the original auditorium and has the largest screen in the south-west. The seating is very comfortable especially if you pay a little extra for the Pullman seats and and the sound system is excellent with the base sound making the whole place rumble.
This afternoon I had another go at the land drain under the lawn. I've rodded it from both ends but I need to find the curly attachment to clear the clay that is still causing the water to stop flowing. I also carried on with trimming the big hedge. It's a really big job so I always do it in sections or I'll run out of steam after the first day. Nothing much else happening in this oh so quiet house.


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