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Sochan (Rudbeckia laciniata) and Spigelia marilandica

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Sochan (Rudbeckia laciniata) that we planted in one of the lower raised beds is flowering now. 

Used by the Cherokee as a potherb, it's been a favored native perennial in gardens (and one of those that went to Europe, and has come back as named cultivars). 

'Herbstsonne' (= fall sun) is a popular one, and there's apparently a double-flowered version called 'Hortensia.' 

Ours is robust in spite of being planted in a shallow bed.

And delightfully, one of the Spigelia marilandica (Indian pink) plants that we thought didn't overwinter has surprised us by late emergence and flowering, followed by a second late emerger.

Usually it flowers in June, although sporadic flowering later isn't unusual.


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