The House Of Mirrors.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Today as usual we woke to rain. This at least was one of the better days when by late afternoon it was sunny and windy and the evening has been quite nice. But by the afternoon I was in the middle of yet more cleaning and didn't find time for more than a quick foray outside. Perhaps nature is telling me to stay in bed until mid-day? I like to start such days with time on the pc, looking out of the window is a great bird watching opportunity. The blackbird was collecting beakfulls of worms, small birds were collecting seeds that had blown into the conservatory gutter and the thrush was hopefully removing snails from the garden.
One of today's jobs that I actually enjoyed was cleaning some of the many mirrors I have on the walls. I do it the old fashioned way, soap & water first and then polish with scrunched up newspaper. I have yet to try any commercial product that produces such a good result and why waste money on yet more chemicals. This house could almost be called a House of Mirrors there are so many of them on the walls. Wherever I can I've used mirrors to reflect the outside, bring in light and create an illusion of space. We went to an auction once where the contents of a hairdresser's was being sold and I bought a number of unframed wall mirrors. Peter was a bit embarrassed when I jokingly told a group of waiting farmers that they would look good on our bedroom ceiling. No, it was just a joke but our en-suite bathroom has 2 walls almost completely covered with mirrors. I did a quick count and I think there are 19 mirrors on the walls in the house. That's not counting the 3 full length mirrors in the shelter by the scree garden. The idea is to create the illusion of another garden on the other side of the building rather than just a dark space. I'm waiting to get 1 or 2 more long mirrors before I fix them to the wall.
The hanging baskets are still looking good and creating a nice splash of colour by the front door. Nothing much else happened today. Peter went in as usual to the gym. The idea is to strengthen the muscles so that his joints have more protection from strain or injury which can set off a P-arthritis attack. He's looking forward to the day he can begin rowing with the gig club. Perhaps one day we'll be rowing over to Lundy for a gig week-end.

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