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Town Visit.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I finally got to see the back specialist today at the hospital. He has down graded my spinal op to one (not both ) side only. I'm not too sure why except that he didn't seem to think it would cure the problem. If it does then I'll have to go through the whole thing again for the other side, ho hum. Following my visit to the hospital I went into town for a little therapeutic shopping and had a treat of some yoghurt covered apricots from the health food shop. In the Pannier Market there was a whole stall of these handmade flowers being sold by 2 Chinese? ladies. I didn't like the overall effect in those pots but the workmanship was impressive. I had a good look around the sales and somehow managed to buy one more top (tut tut) also some men's surf style beads which true to my desire to have things just the way I like them have already been shortened so that they fit snugly.
It's been raining all day, lightly in the morning and now more torrential. When I got home I was asked (that's a first) if I wanted to go down to the beach but with no wetsuit I would probably only want to be in the water for half an hour or so and would have to sit in the car for a couple of hours while Vytas and Sam stayed in the water so I've remained home with the girls who are all drawing or writing. Peter is back at the gym and we are expecting Romas & Vicky home after their party. Last night 3 of us played Scrabble again which was much better even though Peter and I do get rather competitive and use really obscure words that we've checked (looked up) in the dictionary. eg jo - a term of endearment, ur - a variant of er, yo - a greeting (historical not street slang). I may just get out my Scrabble dictionary and learn a few more useful 2 letter words though I think we're going to play Balderdash or Pictionary next.

It's so wet that I resorted to standing in the doorway to take pictures or even as above, through the windows.


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