Signs Of Autumn.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Right now I don't know whether to yell or cry, I'm so cross and upset at the same time. It's all to do with sorting out my back. It's a long saga which I won't bore you with but I thought I was going to cross the final hurdle today, instead I ( metaphorically ) fell flat on my face. Back in May, after 4 lots of day surgery I was told that I needed an operation on my spine. When I was finally told it would be happening in September it was the worst possible timing as I'm due to start some full-time work then and we can't afford for me to turn the work down. I spoke to a very sympathetic booking nurse explaining the situation and asking if there was any way I could have a cancellation anytime during the 6 weeks I'm home for the summer. The problem is that although one hospital doctor says I need the op his boss insists on seeing all patients for spinal ops before surgery can go ahead. The booking nurse managed to organise my pre-op visit over 2 weeks ago and I was given an appointment to see the chief consultant today. Then I would just have to keep my fingers crossed for a cancellation. I'm even prepared to go nil-by-mouth each evening so that I wouldn't miss a slot. But guess what? When I got to the hospital I found out that the chief consultant is on holiday and I can't see him for another 2 weeks. I was not pleased and asked to speak to his superior because it is ridiculous that there is no-one able to take these decisions. First I was told he doesn't have a boss so I asked for the hospital CEO, guess what? she's on holiday too and her deputy was in a meeting. I was directed to Patient Liaison and hopefully I'll be getting a phone call from a senior member of management on Monday. I hate to be making a fuss but if I hadn't expressed my views and made a nuisance of myself on several occasions with this treatment I would probably still be having the physiotherapy on my back that was offered by the very first doctor I saw. I was so upset by events that I felt like having a real chocolate binge this evening but then I would regret that so instead I made myself a prawn salad with tomatoes and onions and home-made dressing.
As I walked (stomped) down the hill from the hospital I saw the first signs of autumn, horse chestnuts - conkers.
There are several of these trees along the main road into town and once conker season really starts you have to be aware of youngsters throwing sticks up into the tress to get the conkers. Don't want the car dented by child or stick!
When I was in town Peter had asked me to take a few pictures of our library for an OU assignment that he is doing. This is the ground floor where the fiction, children's section, cds and dvds are. (Books are free to borrow- unless they are overdue but cds and dvds cost).
Upstairs there are non-fiction and reference books as well as papers, journals and pcs for public use. The library building also holds archive materials - public records & that sort of thing.
To cheer myself up I wandered around the shops. I tried on some tops but didn't buy any as even I have to admit that I do have plenty of clothes. I went into Monsoon, a lovely shop where you can dream of weddings and summer parties, but very expensive. I only look in there when they are having a sale and I usually wait until, as today, many items are reduced by 70%. I was sorely tempted by a silver sequined (all over) top but resisted. What I did buy to cheer myself up was this totally pretty but impractical floral wreath.

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