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A Beach Visit.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's been a typical August day, in other words - raining heavily once more. Being almost the end of the Grand Visit we braved the elements for another trip to the beach. No sign of any sun as we headed off to Putsborough.
As I couldn't go in the water last summer due to my eye surgery I decided to join the lads in the water for some body boarding. It was SO good to be able to see clearly once I was in the sea and not have everything a total blur.
Not having a wetsuit I didn't stay in that long but the waves were good and I had lots of fun .

It started to rain heavily while we were in the water, poor Kate B and Rachel were walking Milo on the beach and got totally soaked. (Back home they had a big thunderstorm so the girls fortified themselves with peach schnapps.)

Despite the poor weather there were a lot of people taking advantage of the good waves. Something I hadn't seen before were people standing up on longboards and propelling themselves with a long paddle.
Linas is currently preparing a stir fry for supper so we've left the men debating life etc in the kitchen and we're all chilling out in the sitting room.


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