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Back To The Dump.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

It was such a good feeling to be driving down to the dump with the car packed to the roof with stuff to go. A lot of it was 'e-waste', old computer parts, cables, flat screen and even a printer which has been lurking on my desk for as long as I can remember. Some of it was still working but very old. Peter used to keep spares so that if he was called out for a problem with legacy equipment he could try a repair instead of simply advising replacement. Even though he will still do some pc repair work even he admitted that we had far too much in the way of spares. As it is I'm still looking at my other spare printer kept in case the printer I'm using stops working. Everybody must be staying at home and doing home improvements instead of going on holiday as the dump was full of people getting rid of DIY rubbish and I had to queue up before unloading my rubbish. The container for cardboard packaging (these are lorry sized containers) was overflowing and I had to place my cardboard in the heap on the ground. I had a few things for their re-sale area but didn't find anything that I needed today. The weather has been much the same as the last few days, sunny spells interspersed with black clouds. I had planned some 'sitting in the sun and reading' time but as the forecast for the next few days is for rain and more rain I thought I had better get on with some actual gardening. My hanging baskets took a long time to deadhead as the poor weather of the last week had put me off going outside to tidy up the baskets. Then I thought I had better get all the mowing done and after that I cleared a shed and moved in some logs. A little bit more room tidying and that was my day filled.
As I put the lawnmower away I could hear lots of chirping from the baby swallows in their nest but no signs of the actual birds yet.


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