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Another Year Older.

Monday, August 23, 2010

and unfortunately a couple of pounds heavier, from last week that is. Although I tried really hard to watch what I ate last week eating salads or small portions the daily cake baking and large quantities of food to hand led to a lack of self control. I've decided that expecting someone to diet while preparing family meals is the equivalent of saying to an alcoholic "Well done for wanting to stop drinking and going to AA meetings but you still have to work behind the bar. After all you can just have soft drinks." I have eaten quite a bit of chocolate today which wasn't the best thing to do but a birthday comes but once a year. In lieu of the (yet again) non-existent birthday cake (the clue is in the name!) I also tucked into some of the blackcurrant crumble I made the other day. However on a positive note, this was us last year,
and here we are a year later. Tomorrow I'll be back on the diet to lose those final few pounds.

The boys had clubbed together and bought me a lovely big bunch of flowers which are taking pride of place in the kitchen.
The heavy overnight rain eased off in the morning, I settled myself in the conservatory and had a quiet day working on a jigsaw puzzle. A mindless but relaxing activity before I start getting my mind spinning with school planning. The afternoon has been sunny but extremely windy. It would have been a good day for a walk down by the sea but we have been waiting all day in vain for a plumber who was supposed to be sorting out some of the radiators before we actually need to start using them.
Today has also been brightened by some good news. Linas was been told this morning that his internship is being extended for another 2 months. Great for his cv and his confidence and also good for his finances. One step closer towards a more permanent job.


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