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Saturday, March 27, 2010

We've had sunshine today with a warm wind. The temp has been a balmy 12C, great for more gardening.
Celandines are technically wild flowers but a weed is only something growing where you don't want it so these are not weeds.

The end is almost in sight of the leaf picking job up in the scree garden, thank goodness. I found this tiny toad, no bigger than my thumb-nail sitting under a stone. I put him in a safe place to sit while I carried on with my task.

I also disturbed this insect, about 2" long it is not something that I recognised. Looking in my book the wings could be an alder fly but the colours are wrong. The nearest I could get was a giant wood wasp but it didn't look very waspish. Anybody recognise it?
I am very disappointed with last night's Chinese restaurant. Poor Peter and Linas cooked up some noodles, (I'm still full up from last night's overdose of fatty food), but when they opened the doggie bag boxes they contained; rice, noodles and 2 prawn balls. I know that there was beef in ginger and chicken in black bean sauce left at the end of the meal which has obviously been kept back. Huh!


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