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Linas To The Rescue.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The sickness bug seems to be going around school again and there was a quick change of plan for me this morning. Instead of my Year 1 class I had the Year 2 class instead. I was very pleasantly surprised to find extra help in class , one student and a parent , as well as the teaching assistant who is there each morning. I even was able to have children working on the class pc, that is until it froze up and refused to do anything. I knew Linas was in town so after school I phoned him and got him to come over to look at it. Of course he was able to fix it in 5 mins, faulty keyboard connections, but he did get told off by the caretaker for putting big muddy footprints across the carpet. We had a good day and the maths activity was fun but differentiated for all ability levels in the class and for the literacy I carried on with work they had been doing on character profiles. I'm back in there all day tomorrow but now I know where the children have got to this week I can plan the day tonight instead of thinking on my feet first thing in the morning.
A final update on my health, don't want to become boring on this topic. It looks as if there is about an 80% improvement in my hips so I'm hoping the third injection will take that up to 100% and be a permanent fix.
The scenery is still very wintry with the bare branches of trees outlined against the grey skies. Only by looking closely at the trees can the swelling of the first leaf buds be seen.
At the top of the next tree were members of the jackdaw gang hanging out around the freshly muck spread fields. Plenty of worms and grubs to be had there. They still come down to inspect the chimney and roofs but so far they haven't gained access. Also since Linas went to MIA last weekend he has put a telescopic sight on the semi automatic airgun I like to use and I've been able to home right in on them. You'd think that they would get the message.


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