Thursday, February 19, 2009
Today the sun was shinning but I gamely spent the morning at my lap top organising paperwork for the first stages of registering as a teacher with the NZ authorities. I have to detail the hours worked in every teaching job I've ever had, and get official conformation as well as supplying other details from the dim and distant past such as the course content of my degree. Luckily I've kept most of that information, hopefully it's enough.
By the afternoon I managed to get out into the garden for some more leaf clearing. It sounds a bit sad to be spending so much effort clearing leaves but the scree garden loses its beauty if the stones are covered by dry or rotting leaves and they would only encourage the growth of weeds which otherwise are almost nonexistent. The sun and warmth are really encouraging the birds to sing from every tree and bush. There was one particular bird behind me that had an amazing repertoire, whistling, warbling, chirping and twittering. I spotted it up in a tree but it was too far away to identify by sight and I'm not that good with bird song, just the basics.
Peter's been at home today. he saw the doctor yesterday as his hand is still swollen and very painful. He was told not to drive, rest his hand and given stronger painkillers, a type which don't upset the digestion. Apparently these are standard on the continent but here (because of the cost ) the NHS restricts their use. He's already noticing some improvement and has been getting on with his OU work.
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