Gardeners' Bloom Day - February
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I was hoping they'd make it for today. I've been watching them for a month now, at first hardly visible amongst the leaves, then gradually elongating and holding up little swan-like heads. Timidly starting to unfurl.
But we're shy. And then, it's been so cold ...
Too cold. I've lost a lot this winter. Plants which have made it through other winters have blackened and died ...
But it's better now. The sun is shining and we can feel its warmth. Perhaps we will come out and open up ...
There's still a chill wind though, and the nights are cold. Careful.
We will be. But it's been so long ... It's time, it must be time.
And yes, today for the first time it did almost seem as if spring was in the air. The temperature on the balcony at lunchtime was a comfortable 11°C (52°F) even if it did drop considerably as the sun passed over and left us in the shade. But it wasn't so much the temperature as the quality of the light - or was it the smell in the air? I don't know. In any case, it didn't feel like winter any more.
Dangerous words. Most of Italy is still grappling with snow, and there's plenty of time for it to come back here. Am I just imagining the spring? Is it just wishful thinking?
My little cyclamen don't think so, and neither do the tulip and daffodil bulbs which are starting to push through. Or the lily bulbs. Or the agapanthus. Everything is starting to put out shoots, or to look just that bit greener, as if they're slowly coming out of a long, long sleep.
So no, I don't have much to show you for Gardeners' Bloom Day this month. But I will have soon. It's time to get ready ...
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