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Free At Last.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The road was very icy this morning so it was good that Pete's car was right up at the turning though I did have to dig away some ice before we could get out. When my colleague dropped me off this evening there were still thick patches of ice. I was so determined to be able to drive to work that I spent over an hour hacking away the slabs of ice until the road was clear enough for my Micra to wobble and slither its way up to the turning. I've got a dentist's appointment tomorrow after school and I didn't want to have to postpone it. Also it will be good to do some shopping.

There was a pretty sunrise this morning as we walked up the icy road.

Followed by mist in the valley.

This evening there were just a few patches of snow left.
Peter went to the hospital in Exeter today and they took numerous bloods, drew off fluids and gave him some steroid injections. All very painful but at least he got to see the right people including a rheumatology consultant. As we suspected it is an arthritic flare up and there is not much he can do except take painkillers and rest his hand.


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