Babies, Babies, Babies.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The children were all very excited today as they knew Claire was bringing in Henry to see them. Claire gave an excellent 'Baby' talk to both of the Reception classes in the hall. Henry was a little under the weather so she didn't bathe him but after giving him a bottle (expressed) of milk she changed his nappy and dressed him in jeans and a t-shirt. Just recently another mum had brought in her baby for a 'baby' assembly. That baby had been a 2.5 lb prem baby and her first nappies had been just a few inches square. Our Headteacher had talked to the children about where the milk comes from and the consensus of opinion was from 'the lumpy bits' aka boobies or breasts.
It was double baby day in our class as one of our mums had her baby, a third girl, yesterday morning. We were surprised to see her come to collect her daughter this afternoon with the new baby in a pram. Needless to say we all had to go and give our congratulations and have a little look.
I don't think the cleaner in my classroom was too happy with me today as our 'messy table' lived up to its name today. Following on from the pancakes I decided to mix some cornflour and water in the tuf spot, (a giant plastic tray), add some coloured glass blobs, plastic plates and glue spatulas and let the kids get on and have a good time. Which they did, making cakes and pancakes and lots of mess. Cornflour makes such a weird gloop. And we'll do the same tomorrow!
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