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Pancake Day.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We had a great time with all our Pancake Day activities in my class today. I even managed to find a simple activity on the Internet where they had to flip pancakes and then move the frying pan to catch the pancakes. I had wondered how well my class would behave with just one bowl being passed round the circle of 30 while they sieved , whisked and stirred but they were fairly well behaved. After a PE lesson where we substituted racquets and bean bags for frying pans and pancakes they were able to watch some of our own pancakes being skillfully flipped before eating the results with sugar and lemon. One little lad who is scarcely higher than my knee looked at the larger piece of pancake I had been given and told me that the smallest (ie himself) should have had the biggest piece ......... so that he could grow more!

I left school fairly early as I have a bit more to do on my e-profiles and was astounded to come across a traffic jam at Okewill where normally the roads is almost empty. There were 7 cars, a van, a tractor pulling a large trailer and a laden cattle lorry. Apart from the narrowness of the lane there was one steeper bit that was very slippery with mud , that the larger vehicles had difficulty going up and everything had to reverse back so the cattle lorry could get a good run up.


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