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In The Dump Diet

Sunday, September 26, 2010

If our western society would dump cheaply processed foods, supersized portions, excess sugar and white flour, and anything remotely modified ... get out and work in the garden, mowing the lawn, walking the dog ... moving ... and last but not least .. let common sense be the rule of the day instead of the governments stupid food pyramid, the population would be headed down a healthier path.

Things to chuck out of your pantry:

Any snack that comes in a box.  Replace with a piece of fruit or veggies and a good dip ... or just skip the snack.

Cake mixes and frosting in a can.  Cake should be a once in a while treat .. not something every day of the week.  Making a cake from scratch is not that difficult.  Take time to bake your own.

Anything that says 'Helper' ... such as in hamburger.  It's much healthier to just keep good food items stocked in the pantry and fridge or freezer to make your own quick meal.

Learn to cook.  It's not that difficult.  Practice on your family.  Don't give in to whiny kids pleading that there's nothing to eat.  Teach them how to make healthy snacks.  You will save lots of money and soon they will stop whining (I promise;).

Lastly, just dump shopping with coupons that are for junk food.  Since when does cheap food equate with healthy living?  You are what you eat.   Government subsidized foods are addicting for a reason.  

The Dump Diet is solely my philosophy, however ... continue eating the government recommendations at your own risk.

It's time to wake up from our comatose state and start feeding our families REAL FOOD.

Don't even get me started on school lunches ;(

What have you dumped from your pantry lately?


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