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Signs Of Spring.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I thought we might be in for a good weather day as I emerged into sunshine driving down the hill towards town this morning. Unfortunately the rain had set in by 9.00 and continued all day. It is never much fun when the children are stuck in the classroom all day because it is too wet to go out. They even had to eat their packed lunches in the classroom. Despite all this the children were fairly well behaved and spent part of the day making owl faces on paper plates with moving eyes and 3-d beaks. They chose and cut their own feathers from a selection of wallpaper samples so every one was different.
As I drove home through the rain this evening I noticed that the muted greys and browns of the countryside are being enlivened by the occasional splash of brighter green. On the verges clumps of new growth of wild garlic, (ransoms), are appearing and even the bare branches of the bushes and trees are looking less sparse as the buds begin to thicken up. At home the honeysuckle buds are unfurling their sage green leaves so that it doesn't look as if the wall is covered with random sticks. I also noticed that those pesky jackdaws have been working on the wire netting I put up so I'll have to get the ladders out again and bang in a few nails to hold the netting fast. Should have done that in the first place.


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