Credit Card Debt ... A Nation of Debtors
Sunday, March 28, 2010
I have no accumulated credit card or car payment debt. The past decade or so Mr. Mac and I have always used cards sparingly and ALWAYS paid them off each month. With that said, I have played along with the 'use' of credit to get bonus points or monetary refunds at the end of the year. Today, I'm going to talk with Mr. Mac about cutting up the cards and going back to using only cash or our Visa Debit(Credit) ATM cards. It will be a good cathartic effort towards being completely debt free in just a few years when our mortgage is paid off. Gone will be my bonus mileage points that seem to disappear before I'm ready to use them ... or figure out HOW to use them. Gone will be my Costco/American Express card that lures me into the giant arena to buy a pathetic box of organic butter or bananas each week. It's time to examine exactly where the grocery savings is going now that we have cut that expense by 1/3 to 1/2 each month. Too many gimmicks. Too many games. I want to live as though each dollar hubby brings home is well divided: Giving/Savings/Spending. And all the extra will go to getting rid of the last of our mortgage debt ... and continue teaching our grown kids about being/becoming financially fit to weather the hard economic times that are still ahead. I'll report back on Mr. Mac's thoughts;)
Graphic credit here
Graphic credit here
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