Exploring Cat.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Once everyone had tucked into lots of delicious food and a certain amount of wine, things got a little noisier as we all began to unwind from the stresses of work. In fact there was plenty of laughter & ribald humour, the group that had had arrived on the bus missed the last bus home, no problem as several of us didn't drink and had cars, and we were almost the last group to leave the restaurant. Even Peter benefited as I overcame my British inhibitions and asked for a doggie bag to take home. Doggie bags are almost unheard of in the UK, firstly because restaurant meal portions are usually of a manageable size and also because most Brits would find it highly embarrassing to ask for the 'left-overs'. I'm a bit of a rebel and less inhibited than most, also Peter had said in a plaintive voice when I dropped into his study to say that I was off out, 'They do doggie bags at the Han Court'. So now he has something tasty for tomorrow when I will have to be very strict with my diet to make up for tonight's extravagance.
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