Monday Blues.
Monday, February 22, 2010
It's been a miserable old day today, weather wise that is. Cold and grey, no actual snow but a few spits of freezing rain in the morning. We were just about to leave for town when the dentist phoned to say that my crowns hadn't arrived so my appointment was cancelled. With my work schedule and the limited number of appointments available it will be the middle of next week before I can have the crowns put on. So yet another week of sensitive teeth. I had a couple of things to get in town and Linas had his plans too so we went into town anyway. After all the excitement of Christmas shopping I've gone right off shopping. No birthdays coming up, January sales over and no excuse to buy clothes as I'm only working part-time. It was cold and the light was so grey, my back was aching and I was truly fed up by the time we got home. I did manage to get to the library, no fines this time -Hooray. I asked if they had a copy of The Egg and I (by Betty MacDonald) that I could reserve and they located a 55 year old copy in the back room, last loaned out 2 years ago. When I got home I couldn't motivate myself to go outside for a while and instead sat with a cup of tea and started reading and I LOVE the book. Her views are so current and funny yet her life was very hard, beyond anything that most of us have to put up with. Eventually I ventured outside and did some clearing of last year's growth and fallen leaves in the scree garden and felt much better for it.
I can't bring myself to take photos when the light is so poor so here is a view of the tidied up bog garden taken in yesterday's sunshine.

Listened to an amazing guy on the radio on Saturday morning. Stan Brock is in his 70's and runs a charity called RAM which brings dental and medical care to those who are too remote or can't afford it. 60 % of his work is in the USA where hundreds of people turn up for his free clinics. His attitude is so humble, yet he does so much for others.
To find out more go to .
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