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Sun And Weeding.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The woodpecker was back at the bird feeder this morning flashing his red rump as he swung around, I haven't seen him since last autumn but he was a regular visitor last year. Plenty of small garden birds have been feeding on the peanuts and fat balls that I put out for them all through the winter. The sun was out again, after a few heavy showers, making the day seem almost warm. I managed to weed both the flower beds near the house. it's not such a satisfying job because being herbaceous beds there was not a lot growing yet under the mess of dead foliage and they now look sad and muddy where I've removed a few weeds and some over exuberant scrambling geraniums. It's nearly all hardy geraniums in there and when the summer comes it's an extravagant mass of foliage and colour but this year I do need to have a little bit of a tidy up. At least that is one more job to tick off the list.


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