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A Touch Of Sunshine.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What a change in the weather. This morning there was a soft breeze blowing up from the south which was almost balmy. The outdoor temperature was a comfortable 11C and best of all the sun kept appearing from behind fluffy white clouds. This warm front is hitting a cold front right up north and the news was full of pictures of snow up in Scotland. They also reported several significant avalanches. So different to here where it was such a pleasure to be working out in the garden with all the birds singing around. It was hard to wrench myself away to go to school for the afternoon. I had to fly out of school to get up to the hospital for another pre-op check. Something strange going on with my notes which I will take up with the consultant. Today the nurse informed me that I was having my first injection next Monday, WRONG, and she also seemed to think I'd had some injections in January, also WRONG. I hope they haven't got my notes mixed up with some one else's or maybe it is the booking clerks trying to make it look like I failed to turn up for treatment. Either way it is worth following up if only to get the notes accurate. I was out of the hospital pretty quickly and I was planning to put in another hour's gardening only to run into rain. Linas informs me that it has been raining all afternoon up here.
Rain clouds over home.


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