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Back To Full Time.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Just 2 days of full time work and I'm back in my overworking habits. Tonight I was unable to tear myself away for an hour until I had taken down a display from last term and replaced it with some work the children have done this week. Nothing spectacular but I strongly believe that children's art work should be given credibility by being displayed even if only for a short time. Tomorrow is my first full day with a Year 2 class (7/8 year olds) and I have been given a free rein to organise the day to my own way of working. We have discussed the outline of the literacy and numeracy but I need to do more detailed planning so that I my teaching will be organised. Apart from being a new group of children which I have never taught full-time it is a very lively class with a lot of boisterous boys and some serious behaviour issues and I think that I will be using all my class management skills. Until I get to know the children better, and they are aware of my expectations I think it is going to be quite hard work. Well, I asked to do this job and it will be good to keep my skills practised. Off now to write up a full day of lesson plans.


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