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Autumn Colour.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Photos from yesterday as the sun hasn't made much of an appearance today. We do have muted autumn colours which glow more when the sun shines through the leaves. Our big beech tree is gaily dropping its leaves all over the garden. Peter keeps telling me that it is dying and will fall on the house but I think the topmost die-back is due to the prevailing winter winds and can be seen on any prominent tree around here.
While up by the scree garden this spirea is tipped with orange.

And this is a general view looking back up the drive towards the ponies' field. I have done some work in the garden today, mainly sweeping and picking up leaves around the scree garden. I put so much work into this part of the garden last spring that this winter I want to be able to enjoy the design element of the different stones and the shapes they create along with the structural shapes of the grasses. To do that it is important to clear all the fallen leaves and any weeds that have crept in over the summer. I couldn't bring myself to have another weeding session on the bank so I was relieved when it started to rain or my conscience might have got the better of me. There is another big beech tree here on my neighbour's land which overhangs so I might just sneak up there with my bow saw and take off some of those branches before all their leaves fall on my garden.
This morning we had 2 nice young men come to replace the big radiator in the sitting room and on the promise of some bacon sandwiches they easily lifted that wobbly mattress up the stairs and round to the hallway by our bedroom. Better still one of them has family in the furniture business and he's going to bring round a bed catalogue with hopefully mate's rates prices. That might be my option if I can't find something on eBay within a reasonable distance.
More! school work done and a trawl around the Internet to find the best deal for a new tv for the kitchen. The lightning last week fried something in our kitchen tv and despite all my attempts at adjustment it looks like one of those special effects high contrast films and is almost unwatchable. So far the best deal and availability has been Tescos so I might pop in there tomorrow.


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