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One Swallow Doesn't Make A Summer......

Thursday, April 16, 2009

......... but what about 2? The pair of swallows that nest in one of the outbuildings returned today. They nest under some very low eaves and the cats take a great interest in the birds swooping in through the doorways. I've done my best to stop the cats climbing up to the nests by filling up the gaps with wire netting so that they can't sneak along the rafters. Soon the house martins will return to build their mud nests under the eaves of the house by the bedroom windows. Today I held the bottom of the ladder while Romas cleaned and repainted the fascia boards and the brickwork around the upstairs windows ( we like to have things neat and tidy for the birds - only joking, it's part of my spring cleaning). Hopefully he'll get the downstairs windows done tomorrow.
Peter saw the rheumatologist today and the x-rays show it's not arthritis and is probably a tendon problem. He's now got to wait for an MRI scan before they can decide on the correct treatment.
They're not easy to photograph but that speck on the right is a swallow, honest.
To make up for the 'cute' pictures I'm posting a few more recent SK pictures, (courtesy of Kate B.)

A typical battlefield scene, the regiments getting into position before the action starts. I remember at this point there was usually a lot of to-ing and fro-ing of mounted messengers and groups of 'horse' (the cavalry) galloping across the field with maybe a mounted skirmish (a sedate one) with swords.

Then the fun would begin with pike blocks from opposing sides trying to push each other to gain position (that's with the pikes upright) or more restrained maneuvering with the pikes lowered until the pikes get dropped and there's more pushing. I used to go on as a water carrier, a vital role when there's all that activity in woollen jackets, armour and helmets.

I was going to call this photo - How to have a rest without dropping your pike demonstrated by Earl Rivers Regiment of Foote but Romas assures me that they were practising bracing themselves for the onslaught of another pike block. Vytas is centre front and Romas is leg sticking out to side on the left.

I'm not sure they were all very enthusiastic in this bit of pike drill.

And here are my 2 lads, eating as usual, Romas I believe is munching a large piece of the chocolate chunk cake I made for him to take.


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