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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Another glorious day. Finally I'm ready to start planting in the refurbished bed, just in time for the forecast rain. I can't believe how wonderful the weather has been this holiday. Last year between work and the rain I hardly had any chance to hang washing outside in the spring or summer. One more day at home and then it is back to work for me. Peter is still waiting to see the consultant, it may well be an operation as his hand is no better. Last night Romas and Linas cleared scraps of wood and brambles from the chickens' run and had themselves a bonfire. I love the way the camera has turned the flying sparks into a mini volcano. Speaking of volcanoes, all is quiet in the air as the hazardous ash cloud stops all flights. Not much fun for people trying to get home after the holiday. (Knew there was a good reason to holiday at home.)
Finally, the Call ducks came visiting. Early this morning there were shouted conversations across the valley. Jack to Sarah- "Mum, I can't see the ducks, they're not here." (The fox has eaten quite a few of the ducks over the past few months.) Me to Jack- "Jack, it's all right. The ducks are swimming in the stream behind our house. They're quite safe." Jack to me - "OK." (Each of us was a field away from the other.) The photo was taken when the ducks made a second visit later in the afternoon. Jack also visited in the afternoon bringing along his Dalmatian and a hound puppy (from the Hunt,). Newly baked chocolate chunk cake was appreciated by Jack and my two boys. It was so funny watching Jack trying to go home as first one dog and then the other wandered off in the wrong direction. We weren't sure who had been taking who for a walk.


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