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Sunday, April 25, 2010

We're back into typical British weather. Plenty of rain in the night means that I don't have to water my transplanted plants but also that the mowing I put off doing yesterday afternoon will now have to wait till the grass dries off. Grey skies and cloud sitting low on the hill and blowing along the valley. I hung out some sheets on the line hoping the wind would blow them dry but the air was too damp. I could have gone out and done some gardening but my back is a little stiff after yesterday's long drive.
Both foals and their mothers are now in the same field. They look quite similar but Doris is much quieter and stays close to her mother. Ben is full of beans and spends most of his time cantering around Belle. Doris looks bigger than Ben but still has a curly foal coat. Her teeth however are at the same stage as Ben's despite him being 2 1/2 weeks older than her. When he was first born his top teeth were only just visible and it was fun to let him suck your finger. Now he has a good cm of top teeth and has to be reminded not to nip. Doris' teeth are also a cm long and she was busy trying to chew my trousers today.

Yesterday there were half a dozen swallows flying around. They are probably the ones that were hatched out in the scree garden shed last year. I'm hoping that the missing house martins might be back this year.


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