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Plant combinations

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I never imagined a sedum bed would be such a nice addition to the front of our small mountain house.

Practically care-free, it was planted in a curved area defined by the previous owner's landscape (but left mulched). It glows with different colors and textures. We planted it in June, 2009, and it's sailed through a harsh winter and is looking great.

Sedum bed with raised stone vegetable beds beyond
Early in the morning, the view out the staircase window is pleasing. Exactly what you want from a window view.

And a happy combination of striped tulips (also from the previous owner) is combining nicely with a coppery Heuchera and vigorous Celadine poppy.

It's not a color combination that I'd normally plan, but with the vibrant colors of the cedar shake siding, it's striking.

(Click on the photos for a larger image.)


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