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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I was woken early this morning by the sheer cacophony of bird song. There were whistles , chirrups, twittering, warbling, trills, chattering and musical phrases. I was up by 6.00 and after some time on the pc I was back out in the garden washing gravel once more. The sun was shining but it was quite cold in the shade and the stream was freezing. Not surprised to hear that there is still snow in parts of Scotland.I was just taking a coffee break when I spotted Sarah bringing out Coral and her filly foal. Doris had only been born a few hours before and her curly coat was still not completely dry.
Back to school in the afternoon for me, the youngest children this time. We were cautiously painting fabric with fabric dyes, I say cautiously because the dye stains and unlike other years when the children wore their old clothes for arts' weeks this year they are still in their uniforms and even with their painting aprons usually made from their dads' shirts, there is great potential for mess.
Flight restrictions over the UK were lifted this morning to the great relief of many stranded people who were running out of money. As I drove to school the sky was criss crossed with com trails. Hopefully it is truly safe to fly and not just the plane companies putting pressure on the safety authorities.


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