A Dragonfly Day.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
It's been quite warm today. Mainly overcast in the morning but with a few very hot sunny spells in the afternoon. I've spent a lot of time working outdoors alternating weeding with chopping up those branches. The buddleias have been covered with butterflies and bees making up for yesterday's damp conditions which stopped them from flying.
The stones in the scree garden hold a lot of warmth and I often see butterflies and other insects resting on them. This one might be a female black-lined skimmer.
One of my holiday jobs is to go through all my packets of photos and negatives from my 35mm camera and transfer them onto the pc. First I had to go through my 20 albums reliving all those memories, (the boys were so sweet when they were little), and tomorrow I can start putting dates to the negatives because that was something I didn't do on the actual packets. Once that is done I have a little gizmo that scans negatives. I might even bring myself to dispose of the photos that didn't make it into the albums or were doubles. I also need to get some more spiral bound scrap books which I like to use as photo albums so that I can put in the last few years of 35mm photos.
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