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Mixed Weather.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Funny old weather today. Boiling hot one moment, pouring with rain the next. Every time I went out to do a bit of weeding down would come the rain. So I'd head indoors to transfer more negatives, glance out of the window and see lovely blue skies.
Linas carried on with his patio cleaning work and I cleared more weeds. Later this afternoon I had a dental check up. I've got to have a small filling but I'll have to wait until October to have it done. Good old NHS.

The apples on the trees were shining richly in the sunshine. A lot of them are blown off before they are ripe but the hens don't mind finishing off the windfalls. Nothing much else done today. tomorrows forecast is dire so I'm glad I did get out into the garden.


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