A Gardening day.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Today has been dry but overcast down here in the south west. I understand that the sun was shining in other parts of the country but I'm getting used to the rubbish weather we're having this summer. Peter and I went into town this morning to look at some art work being exhibited by some one he knows but I wasn't all that keen on it. I had a wander round the shops and bought an extra soft fleece bed throw for Romas to take with him to uni. The rest of the day has been spent out in the garden. The boys have finally realised that if they want to earn some money they do actually need to do some work. Linas has been weeding the paved areas and Romas did a grand job repairing the steps cut into the clay bank. I got on with more weeding. It's very annoying that bits of the garden that I cleared at the beginning of the summer are now quite overgrown. All this rain has encouraged growth and stopped me from being motivated to go out and do lots of weeding.
I did have to keep stopping to take pictures of the wildlife that rustles, flaps and creeps all over the garden. There were lots of these blue tailed damsel flies flitting about above the grass.
While the grasshoppers enjoyed a spot of sunbathing on the warm stones.
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