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Big Dogs, Little Dogs.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Low clouds and rain for most of the day. I've been mainly pottering around in the kitchen, baking bread rolls and making a hearty soup for lunch which certainly filled everyone up. A group of us went into town in the afternoon and once we were down below the cloud level it was mostly dry but rather humid. The man in the antique shop wants to buy most of the stuff we showed him photos of though I don't expect he'll offer us very much. I'll be happy to clear the stuff out of the way as I can't see myself having time to finish stripping and restoring old chairs and other bits of furniture.

In town I saw this lovely Irish Wolfhound. He's called Henry and is only 3 years old.

We had a little fun with Milo at the kitchen table. He doesn't mind.

And here he is looking more dignified down at the beach yesterday.

Down on the beach there was lots of ooing and aahing over this 8 week old collie puppy called Bramble. The owners had only had her 1 day. They were trying to take her for a walk but kept having to stop so people could come and give her a cuddle. She was very good at collapsing in a heap and waving her legs in the air. ( When we went to the party last week one lady showed us pictures of her pet skunk which she had because she 'wanted something soft and fluffy to love'.)


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