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A newly planted rose

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's been raining all weekend, thank goodness.

We NEED the rain, facing yet another spring and summer of drought, if the predictions are accurate. That unpleasant red band covers where we garden.

The rain followed by snow two weeks ago was great; the soil slowly became well hydrated. But then, unusually warm weather and sunny skies kicked in.

Since rain was forecast for this weekend, I managed a sowing of chard, beets, and carrots late on Friday, and I'm imaging those seeds imbibing moisture, ready for the warm weather again this week. My previously-sown seedlings are doing great; nothing like warm weather to encourage growth.

A newly planted rose

My gardening companion was inspired to root out the rest of a patch of Nandina at the back of the house, and proceeded to plant a well-rooted rose taken as a cutting from our tough-as-nails rose in front. We hope to train it up the side of the house, with the help of some attachments, drilled into the stone.

The same plant last September (2008)


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