Prudence The Cat.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Our pet visitor for today was a 19 year old cat. Prudence wasn't in the happiest of moods, (lots of tail swishing), but eventually she consented to to wander round the circle of children and made them all laugh by deciding to jump up on my nice soft chair. The child that owns the rabbit, (tomorrow's visitor), has already said that it bites so I don't think I'll have it wandering around the children, and as for the corn snake!....... one of my colleagues was working in another school where they had a visit from a (different) corn snake which bit a child and wouldn't let go.
The morning started chilly and grey but by the time I drove home the sun was shinning in a bright blue sky. The winds are getting stronger and are quite cold but it is so nice to see the sun. The hedgerows are starting to fill with flowers. At the moment it is the pale yellow primroses and the brighter yellow celandines. It should only be a week or so before the buds break on all the beech hedges turning them from dusty brown to sparkling lime green.
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