Sunshine !
Sunday, March 29, 2009
It's been a day of sunshine and amazing blue skies. I stopped at Burridge to take this photo on my way back from town this morning, I'll admit I didn't notice the buzzard soaring overhead at the time. I've been to this farm a couple of times to get work done on my first landrover. It's one of those ultra tidy places where even the wood pile was incredibly tidy. Some people are like that ... I'm not.
With such glorious weather I had to spend the afternoon gardening. Every year I plan to have the whole garden weed free before the spring growth starts, and every year that doesn't happen. The clocks went forward this morning so perhaps I can fit in a little gardening each evening or at least do more on the weekends.
Linas was home for the weekend but went back to Plymouth this afternoon. He has various plans for after he finishes his IT degree this summer but we'll have to wait and seen which plans work out.
The afternoon sun created the right conditions for interesting reflections on the pond .
This is the white variety of skunk cabbage. Most of the plants in and around this pond are white, yellow or orange though there is a blue and white water iris as well as the white ones just because I couldn't resist buying it.
Here is another of my videos, apologies for the poor quality but I'm only just getting to grips with the video option on my camera. I was trying to show some of the views I see every day on my way to work. Having started life right by the sea in Cornwall and then having to live for over 20 years in London, it lifts my spirits being able to get a glimpse of the sea every day.
This evening we watched the second episode of Number One Detective Agency on BBC 1. It's well worth watching and is also available on BBCiplayer on the internet.
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