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Barbecue Time.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The sun has been shining all day. It feels like spring is truly here. It was so warm today that the children were playing outside without their sweatshirts on. Never mind that the forecast is for colder weather, we'll enjoy each day as it happens.
I spotted these fresh new leaves on one of the ornamental trees in the school grounds.

And these daffodils aren't bad either. Every year they get squashed by tiny feet, picked by tiny hands and even run over by thoughtless delivery men yet still they survive to brighten up the next year.

I stopped on the way home to take a picture of this willow tree which has particularly yellow buds giving the whole tree a golden glow.
When I got home I found Peter celebrating the good weather with the first barbecue of the year. He likes a 'real' barbecue, marinated meats and a selection of salads. I didn't say no to a tender pork steak to accompany my couscous. (Actually the last barbecue we had was in December, he cooked outside but we ate indoors.)


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