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Reports Are OK.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Hooray ! My reports are finished and been passed. And all the photos done. That's a big hassle over with.
This evening I sat in my outdoor office (surrounded by the sound of birdsong) and wrote in all the children's comments about the past term/year. Now I just have to collate the profile printouts with the comments documents and the photographic record pages and then all will be ready for the parent interviews next week. After that we have to send data to a central collection point and photocopy the reports once the parents have returned them with their comment sections filled in. Oh and then we send the reports home again and file all the copies in the office. A teacher's work is never done.

I couldn't resist a walk up the hill to say hello to the horses and to try and take some pictures of the sunset. Every now and again there was the beautiful scent of the wild honeysuckle growing in the hedge. I got back from my walk just before 10.00 while it was still quite light. Even once the light had gone there were still birds singing loudly.

When I first came home I went up to the bedroom to find a swallow frantically flying around our bathroom. I did toy with the thought of getting my camera but I thought it was stressed enough and I opened the window so it could fly out

I've got lots to look forward to this weekend. Tomorrow Vytas will be coming over for supper. ( He's down for his annual Karate club camp which happens to be only 8 mins drive from here.) and on Sunday we're invited to a fellow teacher's house to celebrate her Ruby Wedding with strawberries and cake in her lovely garden overlooking the sea at Coombe Martin.

I took this picture of a perfect rose, (ignore the blackspot on the leaves), yesterday morning.


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