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Baby Sheepdogs.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

It turned very cold this afternoon and despite Metcheck assuring me it won't freeze tonight I decided to play safe and park up at the top of the hill. It was dark before I got home but at least it is now light when I get in the car at 7.30 in the morning. I like to feed the hens before I eat my breakfast and browse a few blogs, so I'm still stumbling up to the hen run in the pitch dark. The weather forecast for Sunday night is for temperatures to plummet so I've stocked up on de-icer spray and will definitely be leaving the car up top then.
School was fairly relaxed today though I still haven't managed to organise our visit to the police station . Children are funny, this afternoon I was outside with them for their play time and there was a line of 12 little girls all squeaking / shrieking loudly while being pursued around the playground by a group of boys. This went on for quite a time so I did ask what they were doing and was told they were 'baby sheepdogs', I'm not sure what the boys were and I don't think they knew either but it was good to see so much activity. We have a short pe session every day and for a warm up I have the children jogging around while I finish rolling up trousers that are too long, ( for most sessions they just take off shoes, socks and jumpers), and if they get tired they can go for a brisk walk instead. After a few minutes there is a lot of puffing and panting but their fitness is gradually improving. It is sad that these days children have fewer opportunities to run around and spend longer at sedentary activities instead. I was surprised a couple of years ago when I did a survey with a class of 6 year olds and found out that most of them had a tv/dvd player in their rooms and that a fair number ate their evening meal without their parents but in front of the tv. This was in a school in a more deprived area than where I am now.


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