Bank Holiday Monday.
Monday, May 2, 2011
It was rather blustery this Bank Holiday so this morning we went for a beach walk. There were quite a few families at Barricane beach which was sheltered and fairly warm. The beach cafe has reappeared, literally. It is in a cabin at the bottom of the ramp leading down to the beach and they must take it away on a trailer for the winter. I like this cafe because you get your tea in a proper china mug and he seems to have an interesting selection of ciabattas and salads. Must try them one day.
Out on the main beach it was pleasantly deserted and we walked along the water's edge for a while.
In the afternoon the sun reappeared and although I was meant to be doing my school planning for the week I was tempted out to do more work on the veg garden.
I decided that I would not be doing a proper job if I left that layer of hard packed clay under the top soil so I've started working my way across the whole plot. I often work on my knees in the garden as it is not good for my back to use a fork & spade (which is why I haven't replaced my broken spade and am using a shovel instead) and today I felt like an archaeologist as I scraped the soil away to reveal the hard packed clay and stones. I'm not sure if it is a natural deposit or if it was dumped there when the previous owner was in one of his landscaping moods. In any case the clay and stones are so hard packed that nothing can get through. Fortunately the layer is only a few inches thick before you get to a normal layer of sub-soil which is not so hard. I'm using the clay for the path and then breaking up the lower soil with a mattock. All the weeds went to the chickens who spent most of the time watching me from the gate especially when I spent ages digging out a metal post holder that was in the wrong place. One of the hens even sat herself down comfortably to watch me do this job. Eventually I reluctantly called a halt to this satisfying work to knuckle down to do my planning.
And to finish off a few tropical flowers from the Eden Project.

And to finish off a few tropical flowers from the Eden Project.
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