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Wildflowers along the Blue Ridge Parkway

Monday, May 30, 2011

One of the benefits (totally) of being in the Southern Appalachians for the summer is proximity to great trails.  I joke to friends and colleagues during the academic year that "they don't let me out much" meaning that I'm at the Garden all the time, not out hiking.  But nothing to complain about that really.

Squaw root (Conopholis spp.)
But it was a joy to spend time on the Mountains to the Sea trail this morning, on a segment just off the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Silene virginica on a rock outcrop

a checker spot (?) basking on a Crateagus branch
There were lots of plants in flower, even though we're past the 'main' spring wildflower time.

Bowman's Root (Poteranthus), Fire Pink (Silene virginica), and Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) as well as Flame Azalea were in flower.

Kalmia latifolia (Mountain Laurel) in flower
Sedums, Tradenscantia, and Opuntia were on the rock outcrops, segregating themselves to wet and dry areas.


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