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More Flowers.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The day started cold but eventually warmed up to a hot afternoon. At school we painted plates, more plates and then more plates and I think we did some other stuff as well. I returned home to a pleasant evening and lots of flowers out in the garden. The aquillegias seed themselves all over the place but even though I buy one or two of the more striking colour combinations they all seem to revert back to shades of smokey pink. This evening the air was filled with the drifting fluffy white seeds from the willow tree by the chickens' run.

The yellow scented azaleas have started to bloom and give off their wonderful scent.

The dry weather has kept the slugs at bay and given the wisteria flowers a chance to open before being munched by hungry gastropods.

And today I spotted the first climbing roses high up on the wall. (Mme Alfred Carrier).


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