Growing your own food
Friday, April 29, 2011
To grow everything you eat (or drink) would be (and is) a formidable task, and we've got centuries of world trade routes to underscore the interest in tea, coffee, sugar, and spices for centuries, as well as the currently active shipping of produce, meat, seafood, and frozen goods around the world, in a global marketplace.
Not to mention bananas, the cheapest fruit available in my supermarket today, but certainly not local or necessarily sustainably grown.
But, my gardening companion enjoys having a banana each morning with his cereal, and it's hard to think of a reason (in the grand scheme of things) why I shouldn't indulge his habit. OK, maybe I shouldn't support the small-scale (or big scale companies) that produce bananas throughout the tropical world, but ...
I had a delightful time at a Locavore potluck yesterday evening, but was amazed at how few folks had homegrown veggies in their dishes -- for example, lettuce, greens, or peas (or early strawberries) to offer as their dish to share.
There was quite a bit of asparagus, which I hope (mostly) came from backyard beds, but one dish was labeled Chinese asparagus. Hmm. What I've seen in the markets lately has been from Mexico, before that Peru.
And it was a bit disappointing to see contributions of cantaloupe and blueberries and an attractive pepper, onion, and tomato salad --NOT local, or regional around here at this time of the year.
My vegetable garden (and the gardens I monitor) are overflowing with lettuces, mature purple mustards, overwintered chard, spinach, arugula, sugar snap peas, snow peas, newly sown chard, etc.
Geez, I'm in a greens glut currently. It's a good thing that they're good for you, and stir-fried with onions and garlic, are quite delicious. And good as leftovers for breakfast (with local eggs) and with lunch, too!
My message was to start growing more veggies! They're easy, delicious, and good to eat.
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