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Getting out in nature

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I've been having a blast in my CU Field Ornithology labs (it's great to not have the id quizzes count for a grade).  But it's also been great to go out in the Garden with Patrick McMillan, the new director at the South Carolina Botanical Garden.

It's so valuable to be able to focus on learning about birds (and listening to their songs and calls) with folks who can help you distinguish between the Chipping Sparrows, Pine Warblers, etc. that are tough to figure out, without practice.  I'm practicing!

We're picking up new migrants in the Garden everyday, as well as departing winter residents, singing their songs (ruby-crowned kinglets are a good example).

It's well worth taking advantage of birding excursions, botanical forays, or any other excuse to get out there to connect with nature.


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