To salt or not to salt .. butter that is.
Monday, October 11, 2010
For better butter .. try unsalted sweet cream butter; the taste is much fresher. Salt is often added to butter to mask off tastes and used as a preservative. There are many types of butter sold in the market. In the U.S., most butter is of the salted variety. You can buy some European butters that are made from grass fed cows/goats that are very dense and naturally yellow ... while I do buy these as a treat, they are often very expensive. Lately, I've been buying unsalted sweet cream butter. The taste is so much fresher and delicious compared with the salted variety.
- What type of butter is in your fridge? I'd rather use butter than the man-made 'plastic' version called margarine ... which is extremely bad for your health. Another example of a marketing ploy to push cheap laboratory chemicals on to the public and touting them as 'good for you' ...
- Betty Botter bought some butter,
- "But," she said, "the butter's bitter;
- If I put it in my batter,
- It will make my batter bitter;
- But a bit of better butter,
- That would make my batter better."
- So she bought a bit of butter,
- Better than her bitter butter,
- And she put it in her batter,
- And the batter was not bitter;
- So 'twas better Betty Botter
- Bought a bit of better butter. Betty Botter Poem of unknown origins
- Painting by Carl Larsson, The Cowshed, 1905
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