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Tips to Install Slate Wall Fountain

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Slate wall fountain are exceptional in beauty and appeal. Also with this, create an atmosphere of serenity and calmness with the flowing water that is considered good according to popular feng shui art.

Installing the wall fountain is easy but needs two people for easy work. Before proceeding for slate fountain mounting, it is advisable to mount the electrical outlet in the wall and make sure that it is behind the place where you are going to put the slate fountain. Although this is not imperative but putting electrical fitting there would remove the chaos of wires and the fountain will look more beautiful.

Tips to Install Slate Wall Fountain

  • Get the items out of packing box and place these on the floor in the same order as you need them on the wall. This will help you in installing the correct block at correct place thus will save your time.
  • The place where you want to install slate wall fountain must have a GFI Electrical outlet. Place this behind the slate and approximately 18 inches above the lower tray of the fountain. And it should be 24 inches lower than the metal hood that is present at the top of the fountain. And if you have 2 or more than 2 slate fountain then place the electrical outlet behind the left most slate (face the wall and check your left).
  • Also give it a wall switch so that you can easily turn it off and on.
  • In order to control halogen lights and water flow separately, install additional clock box outlet and also place this at the back of fountain. You will then have to install double wall switch one for the water and other for halogen lights.
  • Mark the place so that the installation is straight and not tilted to one or other side.
  • Use installation brackets at place where you want to hang the fountain. You must mark these places before drilling for the bracket points. Every slate wall fountain has its specific requirement of installation. So better to read these instructions before hand.
  • In certain cases there is a need to secure water distribution unit at the top of the fountain. Make sure that water flow is even and covers the entire surface. After installing the water unit properly clean it.
  • Keep in mind to submerge the pump completely in water for its proper working and try to use distilled water for this purpose.


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