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Tagged by French Country Cottage

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I got tagged by Courtney of the French Country Cottage.
 Is that like playing tag?
 I think so...she and I love to read each other's blog
 and check out the latest projects.
Courtney asked me to answer these ?s.

*What is your biggest dream?

 As a decorator, my dream would be to work
 in the world of home decorating/shelter magazines

Wouldn't this be a great magazine?

My other dream would be to have a cute shop
 that would sell home furnishings
 and decor that appeal to me!
 So anything frenchy, vintage or shabby would
 be in this shop.
 I would also have a section of window treatments
 that are being recycled from people
 who have redecorated and
 changed out their old drapes.

As a mom my biggest dream is to have 
all of my children live happy and fulfilling lives. 
Sounds cliche, but in this crazy world
 it is a big goal to accomplish.
 I see them all trying to make their way
 and you have to hope they can do it..
so it is a big dream of mine for that to come true. 
Dreams are good!

*Where do you live?
I live outside of Boston in an urban setting.
 This is a city who has seen a downhill slide
 and has its share of issues.
 We will move someday to a location 
that suits us better,
 but for right now because of hubs job,
 we are staying put. 
So my focus is on making our outdoor
 and interior spaces  welcoming ones. 

*What were you like in High School?
I hung around with the older kids in upper grades,
 and couldn't wait to graduate myself.
 Our friends all were welcome at 
my parents home
I loved Art and English classes
 and was on the swim team.

*Favorite place to visit?
I love traveling through Europe,
 with Greece being my favorite place.

*What or who inspires your decorating style?
Anything done by Elizabeth (Betsy) Speert from Watertown Mass. 
Her style is so recognizable to me,
 I can always pick her home decor projects
 out of a magazine.
 I also am inspired by Suzanne Kasler
 and am looking forward to a book
 by designer Carolyn Westbrook.
kitchen design by Betsy Speert
Photo by Michael Partenio 
*What do you love about yourself and what would you like to change?
My favorite thing about myself is my confidence 
and trust that I have in my own decisions.
 I would like to be less impatient.

*What is your all time favorite movie?
Out of Africa. 
This movie had it all:
 a great love story, beautiful scenery,
 a gorgeous house filled with beautiful things.

I love Country French and Courtney has done some 
beautiful decorating makeovers in her house. 
Her kitchen and
 her outdoor pergola all inspire me. 

I love her bathroom most of all. 
Click on the bathroom picture to check it out!


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